
Coloring and blending basics with Copic markers workshop

February 10, 2024, 2-4pm, at Art Department Supply in Salem, OR

Visit Art Department Supply for more information and to register. Lead by Brian Johnson of Robot Of The Day.

Workshop description: Boost your confidence and skill with Copic markers! This workshop will provide some foundational techniques to take your coloring skills to the next level. We’ll cover the different types of Copic markers, their features, care and maintenance, and how to interpret the Copic color system. We’ll explore a variety of fundamental coloring techniques including fills, blending, and layering/mixing color.


Robot of the Day: Staying warm

Insulating coats are a great way to conserve energy

Field notes entry— It was a dumb question: “Why not just run a heating element to keep internal components warm?” Insulating garments are a much more practical solution. Why waste additional energy when one can just wear a coat and preserve what waste heat is generated? Indeed!


Robot Of The Day: Plant

It’s good to have a friend with a cargobike

I was exploring the city outskirts by bike one afternoon when these two passed me going the other way, the plant’s leaves making quite a racket in the breeze. A while later I passed the plant nursery they must have been shopping at; the place was a hive of activity with robots moving between the rows of plants, stooping to inspect this one or that and others pushing carts laden with plants of various sizes.


Robot Of The Day: Rainy day

Sometimes it’s better not to needlessly test seal integrity

“Check your seals!” Beyond its use in the obvious context, I’ve heard this phrase used in a more general sense of “take care” or as a reminder to be sure of oneself; which can have other meanings depending on the personal relationship and setting.


Robot of the Day: Under the stars

Up there. Can you feel it?

I discovered that the robots perceive the stars in a rather interesting way. Rather than organize them into arbitrary patterns with spatial relationships, they assign a numerical value to each one based on its relative brightness and color temperature. Then they map these to a variety of output configurations: sound scapes, topographic maps, and even haptic maps.


Robot Of The Day: October 10

Robots and cats.

In the robots’ society, cats seems to possess a great deal of autonomy. At least no robot I’ve ever spoken with on the subject has ever made the claim to “own” a cat. Typically the relationship is described as “the cat lives with me…” or “the cat also lives here…” I suppose the cats adopt robots rather than the other way around.


Robot Of The Day: October 3

How might a robot hold a cat in their lap? A pillow would be a big help.

I didn’t have a crowd watching me this time. This drawing was inspired by a robot I talked with a few days ago. They sat on the floor of their store, leaning up against the checkout counter. “I’ll be with you at some indeterminate point in the near future. I have a cat with me.” Indeed, the robot cradled in their lap a cat on a pillow. I could hear the cat purring from across the room. Robots are cat people, too.


Robot Of The Day: October 2

After the first ink mess captured the attention of a couple near me I quickly had the rest of the réchargé crowd around me. Despite drawing in public for years, I’ve never drawn this level of attention. I suppose it’s the somewhat unconventional methods of smearing the ink around? After I removed the first drawing from my board a robot stepped back and struck a pose. “May I ask you to draw me in that same style?” How could I say no? This whole experience was unprecedented!